Wednesday, July 02, 2008

We Got It Made

Bleu, Mike Viola, and Ducky Carlisle are The Major Labels and their debut album Aquavia is now available. Each are accomplished artists in their own right - together, they are Major. They're essentially pulling a Radiohead and letting you set the price you're willing to pay for the album, but they do have a suggestion: you ask me..i'd say our record's worth at-leAst 8-bucks...i mean..that wouldn't even cover our tater-tot/miller-chill cost for a is (as always) subjective(ish)..i guessss.....but..i would like to point out that starbucks charges $14.99 for some really bunk-ass CDs....and manager insists i mention again that you do, of course, have the option of paying whatever the frig you want (like $8) for our record AND telling your friends..and really..that ain't askin' much is it?'s not like i'm asking you to donate to some charity you've never heard of or something (don't get me started...seeeriously)...
Subtle, eh? Use the widget below to get it and tell others. Do it. Haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure it's worth at least $8. Go to TheirSpace for previews.


Anonymous said...

You had me at Mike Viola.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this record - "ODE TO SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT" had me in stitches in the car on the way to work this morning. Go Bleu! Go Mike Viola! Get this record, and pay the maximum amount for it - it's worth every penny (and no I wasn't paid to say this). :)