And She's Gone
Lucy "in the Sky with Diamonds" Vodden
46 years young
Lucy "in the Sky with Diamonds" Vodden
46 years young
Sarah McLachlan has a new single coming out tomorrow! She hasn't done anything new for a few years now, so I for one am looking forward to it.
If you join her newsletter, you'll be among the first to hear the new single.
Official Site
Update: Here it is! Well done, Sarah, well done.
Sarah McLachlan - One Dream
Finally, a non-video post. The new album from Works Progress Administration, fronted by Toad frontman Glen Phillips, is now available. You can listen to a stream of the whole album here for free. I really
like love Glen's voice. There are a couple of standouts on the album and certainly better than his last solo effort. Definitely folksy, and definitely bordering on country (ewww)...
Buy @ iTunes ($9.99) or Amazon ($13.99)
E of the Eels is feeling less than self-assured in the new tune That Look You Give That Guy, but the beard is working for him! Itchy. Check out the video below (it is video week on Too Poppy evidently).
Did you like the cheesy portrait of E and his dog in the video? You can buy it here!
And for a limited time you can download free Eels tunes courtesy of MySpace Transmissions. Wow, MySpace doing something right? Crazy.
The pleasant-but-not-quite-classic Eels' Look Guy song is on the latest studio album Hombre Loco. Download via iTunes.
I'm not sure what's up with me and video posts this week. I don't even like music videos. But they keep finding me. Below is the new Tinted Windows tune, Back With You. It's full of sweet, sugary pop hooks and vocals.
Buy it for $.99 at iTunes or Amazon. The whole video was filmed with a Flip Camcorder.
Snow Patrol's new single, Just Say Yes, in advance of their new album, Up To Now, coming to the UK on November 2, 2009. No US date announced yet.
Pre-order Up To Now import @Amazon.
Pre-order Up To Now Limited Edition import @Amazon
It's hard not to like these guys. Enjoy.
Snow Patrol - Just Say Yes
Below you'll find the new single from Stereophonics, Innocent. As we've said before, these guys are either 'on' or 'off', and unfortunately in this case, it is the latter. The song isn't bad, it's just ho-hum. Have A Nice Day or Dakota it is not. Enjoy.
Brandon Schott - Homegrown Recordings
Vol. 8 - Strawberry Fields Forever
Read on and you'll discover this will be the final volume of Homegrown Recordings - at least the final of Season 1! Brandon has blessed us these last eight months with some incredible recordings. Thank you. I hope you kept up and enjoyed every single volume. Hopefully we'll do it again soon. In the meantime, go download Dandelion when it's released September 29. It is more than worthy of your attention.
"Greetings Too Poppy nation! I trust you all had a marvelous Labor Day, and are settling back into the school year nicely. Speaking of school - my family and I have been joining the rest of the country in rediscovering The Beatles together this past week. We bought the Stereo Box together last week (the mono was sold out - drat!), and after a modest speech by yours truly about the dwindling appreciation for album art and packaging, we busted open the set and have been slowly listening to the catalog in chronological order. Every morning, my oldest, Tyler, gets to open a new disc out of the big black vertical box that sits near our piano, crack open the sealing and thumb through the booklets while the music pours out of the stereo (or the car speakers). "OH! Daddy, I know this one! AHHHHHH" he shouted as "TWIST AND SHOUT ramped up. I even got my three year old, Harper, singing along to PLEASE PLEASE ME, "C'mon - COME ON, C'mon - COME ON!!" It's been an amazing trip, and to think this could be one of their earliest memories is well worth the price of admission. Anyway, in light of all this I recorded my own stripped down version of STRAWBERRY FIELDS FORVER on Sunday morning that I thought I'd share with you here. Enjoy!MP3: Brandon Schott - Strawberry Fields Forever (you missed it - bummer!)
I believe this may be the last download for a while as I turn my attention to getting Dandelion out into the world - let's call it the end of Season 1! The video series will continue, on or about the 10th of every month, so keep your eyes peeled here at or my youtube page ( Thanks SO much for all your support. Please spread the word about Dandelion, and don't be a stranger!! Drop me a line and let me know what you thought of this series, or perhaps what you'd like to see in the future. Until our paths cross again, thanks *so* much for your support! Hope to see you again soon!
Much love, Brandon"
The hymn-like Season’s Turn on Brandon Schott’s new album Dandelion sets the tone: this is a serious album. We’re no longer in a golden state.
I likened Brandon’s previous album Golden State to summer. How appropriate then that Dandelion is set to be released days after summer ends. Thematically and musically this is a winter album – a deep winter album – yet it undoubtedly hints at inevitable spring awakening.
Its name is no accident. To Brandon, dandelions remind him of “childhood, of a certain way of seeing the world.” The beauty of floating dandelion seeds is tempered with the cold truth that it’s an unwelcome weed. The overarching dichotomy of that sentiment is conceptually prevalent throughout the whole album and despite the dangers inherent in such a heady experience through pop music, Dandelion is especially effective.
With Brandon’s expert lyrical treatment, Dandelion is never mawkish or overwrought. After listening to it for several weeks, it has driven down deep and taken root at an emotional core. Much like its namesake, the album is quiet and unassuming yet persistent in its existence. Brandon takes us on a journey through life’s unwelcome challenges in the seemingly endless search for comfort, support, and health. Recurring elemental images of earth, water, wind, and most strikingly fire ground the album in a way that makes it infinitely relatable, as do the pleas to suns and stars for celestial safety and contentment. Spiritual? Perhaps, but the beauty of such powerful music lies in our personal reaction to it.
The underlying story to Dandelion relates directly back to Brandon’s own personal battle with cancer. Many of the songs were written and recorded during or because of that experience. But Brandon avoids turning Dandelion into a private therapy session. The feelings of helplessness and hopefulness are universal and Brandon’s talents make Dandelion a thoughtful yet accessible listen.
Dandelion is deep, but don’t get me wrong; this is pop music. The album is a testament to Brandon’s ability to literally strike a chord with listeners through melody. His strength lies in the finest touches: the Lennon-esque piano of Not Far Away, the Foldsian tune of Falling Forward, the acoustic beauty of the lullaby Halo evoking the simplicity of Mother Nature's Son, the glorious string arrangements in Turning Toward the Sun, and the smoldering menace of Fire Season, which is quite likely the best composition of his career to date and worthy of its nomination for a 2009 Hollywood Music Award. Even with this elaborate attention to the smallest details, there’s something slightly raw about Dandelion – it’s rough around all the right edges.
In the end, Dandelion reminds us that despite the recklessness of life, hope and love are pervasive. Relax and sail the four winds. All will be well.
So ... very ... wrong ...
via Daily Swarm
Jason Falkner has released a brand new CD in Japan called All Quiet on the Noise Floor and I can't get my hands on it soon enough. Just like his previous release, this one is Japan-only for now. Wikipedia suggests we may see it released here by the end of the year, but I'm not optimistic. I'm Ok, You're Ok was supposed to see a US release last month but I still see no signs of that. According to Bad News, it is "prohibited to export." Sigh.
Hippies Are Dead unearthed the lead track from the album, Princessa, though its legitimacy as a final version has been questioned. Art Into Dust also has some more details. Noise McCartney Records' MySpace has a couple tracks streaming and HisSpace has Princessa.
Thanks, @notlameguy. I hope Not Lame is able to get the import soon.
Something is going on today ... just can't put my finger on it ... September 9, 2009 ... 9/9/09.
Happy Line-the-Beatles'-Pockets Day!
Buy | Buy | Buy | Buy
A conversation I just heard...
"Boy, the economy sucks."Well, I heard it in my head anyway. My voices aren't very bright.
"Sure does."
"It doesn't help that I gotta blow over 500 bucks on The Beatles alone tomorrow."
"Wish bands would release their albums at no cost."
"Wonder why they don't."
Big Star - the "quintessential power-pop band?" The best way to argue this point is to sample the tunage. Out on September 15 is Keep an Eye on the Sky, a new 4-disc box set that chronicles early 70s Big Star...
...a trove of unreleased demos, unused mixes, alternate versions of songs, and a 1973 concert recorded in Memphis. The lavish packaging includes extensive liner notes, rare and never-before-seen photos, and insightful essays about the cult of Big Star and the band's history.Pre-order now. is streaming disc one already!
I still can't believe it's been 20 years since the Stone Roses emerged as the most over-hyped band out of the UK since, well, you know ... Herman's Hermits. Thankfully the Stone Roses mostly lived up to that hype with their fantastic debut album, which is much revered to Toopoppydom. It was one of the only albums I've ever bought based on the cover artwork and a sticker description alone. What a payoff! Too bad the same accolades can't be applied to their ill-advised and disappointing Second Coming, despite its brief moments of brilliance.
We live in a commercial world so the best way to mark the occasion is to treat yourself to a remastered version of the album released today. Unfortunately the ultra limited edition collector's box set has already sold out. Check eBay. Plenty of other choice versions to choose from:
Digital Album (, iTunes)
CD (
Deluxe Album - 2 CDs, 1 DVD (, iTunes)
Brandon Schott has a new iPhone/iPod Touch application out today in support of his upcoming album, Dandelion. "Paper Wings" lets you keep up with Brandon while on the go. Watch exclusive videos, listen to songs, stay up-to-date on concerts and much more. Check it out!
Ten out of ten tastemakers agree: My Old, Familiar Friend tastes spectacular.
That's not gross. That's truth.
Start with one whole Brendan Benson, throw in two cups of McCartney, three heaping tablespoons of Falkner, a dash of Wilson, and hold the White.
A recipe for a pop confection that exudes perfection - hyperbole be damned!
One blogger casually obsessed with pop music believes he might be currently too popping to the best release of the year.
iTunes MP3