Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Closer To Your Side

Fifteen years is a long time to wait. Henceforth every passage of time totaling 15 years shall be known as Mockingbird Time thanks to The Jayhawks. The new album released today is the first in that time to feature founding members Mark and Gary - truly the heart and soul of the band. Personally I'm partial to the pop joy of Smile, but that album seriously offended many Jayhawks fans.

From initial listens Mockingbird Time will heal all wounds for those damaged by Gary's audacious foray into memorable hooks and melodies. The nerve.

Amazon MP3

Preview (via Rolling Stone)


richrecruiter said...

Agree, much prefer Sound of Lies and Smile. Wish they continued in that direction.

My hmphs said...

Rainy Day Music for me. But I like what I've heard so far.