Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Then We'll Start Anew

Class Act in life and music Brandon Schott has penned a piece for Popdose that describes his own personal journey throughout the past year that had him staring down cancer and exploring the role of Spirit in our lives. It's a bit heady reading for the first day after a long weekend, but you'll learn more about the man behind Golden State, easily one of my favorite albums of the past year.

Artists tend to find healing through creation and Brandon is no exception:

During this period, I wrote songs that seemed to pour out of the air (I barely remember writing them). These songs were given to me from some other plane to help me understand and cope with all the new energy that swirled around me. Spirit.
In the face of such adversity, I can only imagine how transcendent this music is. Strange how so much pain for one may ultimately provide so much comfort for many.

Learn more about his upcoming benefit gig in LA on 9/14.

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