You Never Give Me Your Money
It seems the only thing holding up the release of the Beatles catalogue on iTunes is that one-legged bitch Heather Mills, according to the UK's Evening Standard. According to sources close to McCartney the release will increase his worth by up to 200 million pounds. This would likely inflate the amount awarded to Mills so the wait continues. The judge is set to rule on 17 March so hopefully sometime shortly after that the catalogue will finally be available.
Not sure if I've gone on the rant before, but here goes anyway. Why is the Beatles on iTunes a big deal? Doesn't everybody already own their albums on CD? Everyone, no. This will open up their music to new generations of the digitally connected. For fans such as myself, it will off their music in a quality not heard since the original vinyl pressings. If you don't believe me, listen to the songs on "1" and then on the original albums on CD. The original CDs sound hollow and tinny.
UPDATE: As with all rumors, there are a handful of differing versions out on the interwebs. Here's one from Gizmodo saying that a deal has already been signed and it's for paying off the divorce debt. We'll eventually see.
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