Friday, January 25, 2008

Enjoy Yourself With No Regrets

New details are emerging about R.E.M.'s new album Accelerate and it sounds like it has the potential to be quite memorable, something their last one definitely wasn't.

After two consecutive albums dominated by mid-tempo fare, R.E.M. gets back to its stripped-down, fast-paced rock roots on "Accelerate," due April 1 via Warner Bros. The 11-track set, which gets in and out in a lightning-quick 34 minutes and change, is led by the single "Supernatural Superserious."
Excellent. Can't wait. Full track list:
"Living Well's the Best Revenge"
"Mansized Wreath"
"Supernatural Superserious"
"Hollow Man"
"Until the Day Is Done"
"Mr. Richards"
"Sing for the Submarine"
"Horse To Water"
"I'm Gonna DJ"

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