Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Sweet. Matthew Sweet.

Finally, just a wee bit o' news about the new album (presumably no longer called Rock Bottom otherwise they would've called it Rock Bottom). From his new blog on hisspace:

To all Matthew Sweet fans, the new album is scheduled for release in early 2008. The track Badass has been added to the myspace page to give you an taste of what is coming. If you like the track, add it to your page and let your friends know the latest. Thank you for your patience and support and we look forward to your feedback!! Cheers!
Cheers indeed, although waiting until "early 2008" is like that irrational sense of disappointment after opening all your Christmas presents and realizing you have a whole year ahead of you. I was unable to get the new tune to play - yet another disappointment. Soon...


Anonymous said...

Warren/anonymous here, and my comment is...


September was too long a wait, damnit, now it's 2008?

Sigh. I'm sorry our hopes were raised.

And "badass" is not my idea of a Matthew Sweet classic... yet. Maybe it'll grow on me.

Sigh again.

2poppy said...

Agreed. It seems to be a less than stellar choice to introduce us to the new album. Sigh indeed.