Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Before the Cream Sits Out Too Long

Friends With MoneyI watched Friends with Money last night, that Jennifer Aniston movie that is not a Jennifer Aniston movie and is probably a chick flick but with better stories and better acting, which I rented for my wife with the intention of not really watching it but finding myself getting involved perhaps because I was bored or because the movie was good (I heard that).

Anyway, I found the soundtrack to be very nice. Craig Richey's score is very pleasant and simple, and it invoked the same pleasant feelings I had when I first heard Jon Brion's score for Eternal Sunshine. Just thought I'd share.

You can download Richey's work here. It was also featured in Lovely & Amazing, another movie featuring Catherine Keener. I've seen her in a few movies now, but nothing beats this. Both movies, by the way, were written and directed by Nicole Holofcener. She must have a thing for Richey and Keener and movies with lots of talking.

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