Friday, January 06, 2006


The last couple of weeks the Lincoln (that's Nebraska) band Eagle*Seagull has been getting a great deal of press. I'm particularly engaged by the song Photograph. When I listen to Eli Mardock's vocals I hears snippets of the Cure, some say Arcade Fire, others say a little bit of Wolf Parade. Eagle*Seagull isn't as good as any of the bands previously mentioned but they have potential. Download the song, its from their website, no need to feel bad.

March 17 they are playing The Vaudeville Mews (cool place) in Des Moines with Kite Pilot.

1. Public New Years Resolution: Attend at least 1 live event a month.
2. Beards are cool, even shitty ones
3. Like the new too poppy graphic


The Great Bronsinki said...

Very cool. Thanks for the heads up. I think I saw their post on another one of my favorite blogs gorilla vs. bear. check it out if you haven't.

2poppy said...

Just got around to listening to this. Crap, it's good. Vocals are Robert Smithy, but whose aren't these days. Thanks for turning me on.